SIL 30


Carbon DLS


Medical devices, wearables—e.g. wrist bands/head phones.


SIL 30 resin passed the requirements for biocompatibility tests so that they are suitable for prolonged skin contact (more than 30 days) and short-term mucosalmembrane contact (up to 24 hours). Tests performed: ISO 10993-5, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity, and ISO 10993-10, Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 10: Tests for irritation and skin sensitization (GPMT).


Soft touch, biocompatible, tear resistant

Color Options: Gray

Technical Data
Property ASTM Metric Units
Tensile Properties, Die-C, 500 mm/min
Ultimate Tensile Strength D412 3.4 MPa
Elongation at Break D412 330 %
Stress at 50 % Elongation D412 0.42 MPa
Stress at 100 % Elongation D412 0.69 MPa
Stress at 200 % Elongation D412 1.45 MPa
Mechanical Properties
Tear Strength D624-C 9.6 kN/m
General Properties
Hardness D2240 35, Shore A

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